Avoid a Sticky Situation This Halloween

Boy eating braces friendly treat

Preventing an Orthodontic Scare

Spooky season is a fan favorite, especially for children. The weather has a bit of a chill, scary movies play on the television, and candy fills the shelves at the store. Halloween is one of the most exciting holidays for kiddos because they get to dress up, spend time with friends, and eat tons of candy.

If this is your child’s first time celebrating this eerie holiday with braces, Halloween may look a little different this year. If this isn’t their first Halloween with braces, they should be seasoned professionals about what treats to avoid.

As a parent, it is important to also be aware of what they can and can’t eat to monitor what treats they try to sneak into their bags.

Braces-Friendly Treats

It is no secret that candy and dental hygiene don’t go hand in hand. Sugar is one of the leading causes of tooth decay. With braces, the chances of tooth decay increase because it is significantly more challenging to clean your teeth.

There are specific sweets and treats to avoid while wearing braces to ensure no wires or brackets break. However, your child can still enjoy your holiday and indulge in some sugary snacks. Here are some braces-friendly options to fill their pumpkins with this year:

  • Soft chocolates.
  • Cupcakes and cakes.
  • Doughnuts.
  • Cookies.

Candies like Hershey’s chocolate bars, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, and M&M’s all qualify as safe (and yummy!) soft chocolates.

Spooky Treats to Avoid

As a general rule of thumb, remind your child that hard, crunchy, sticky candies are not braces-friendly. These will increase their risk of breaking a wire or bracket, which will result in an unplanned visit to the orthodontist. Remove these treats from their bag to avoid any tricks this Halloween:

  • Chocolates that contain caramel and/or nuts.
  • Gum.
  • Gummy candies.
  • Skittles.
  • Taffy.
  • Caramel apples.
  • Sticky candies: Starbursts, Tootsie Rolls, Taffy.
  • Hard Candies: Lollipops, Jolly Ranchers.

If you or your kiddo find themselves questioning a specific treat and are unsure if it will damage their braces, it is best to avoid it completely. In this instance, it is better to be safe rather than sorry!

Don’t Give Your Teeth a Fright

Consuming large amounts of sugar can be detrimental to your oral health. When Halloween night ends, it is crucial to ensure your child brushes their teeth extra well. Use fluoride toothpaste to help strengthen their pearly whites and an interdental brush to reach the places a toothbrush can’t. It is also essential not to skip flossing on Halloween — this will make certain the plaque is removed.

Contact LVL Orthodontics For Your Orthodontic Needs

LVL Orthodontics provides high-quality orthodontic treatments to patients of all ages in Dallas, Texas. Our team utilizes state-of-the-art technology for faster results so our younger patients can smile with confidence.

If you or your child experiences an orthodontic emergency, call our office at (469) 455-1355 as soon as possible.

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